How Long Does It REALLY Take to Recover from a Hair Transplant?

How Long Does it Take to Recover From a Hair Transplant?

So, you’ve just had your hair transplant. Now it’s time to focus on recovery. From caring for your scalp to washing your hair, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to heal correctly and get the best results. Read on as we break down what to expect in the days and weeks following your procedure so you can relax and recover with confidence.

How Long Does it Take to Recover From a Hair Transplant?

Recovering from a hair transplant is a process that takes around 7 to 14 days for the initial healing, but it’s important to remember that full recovery (and seeing the final results) takes several months.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect during each stage of recovery:

Operation Day – Avoid driving, touching your head or bending down immediately after hair transplant surgery. Take pain relief and sleep with your head elevated for 5 days.

Day 1 –  Gently remove the bandage, apply pressure, and if there’s bleeding, start your antibiotics. Spray saline on the transplant area every 2-3 hours.

Days 2-5 – Wash your hair gently with fragrance-free baby shampoo and let it air dry. Avoid scratching scabs – they’ll start to fall off naturally by Day 7. You can resume light activities by Day 5.

Days 7-14 – Scabs start to fall off naturally. Use natural oils like Argan or coconut to soften them. Wash your hair every other day and avoid wearing hats or headwear until after Day 14.

In more detail:

Operation Day

Right after the procedure, you’ll be feeling a bit tender. We recommend avoiding driving home due to the lingering effects of the anaesthetic. Be careful not to touch or rub your head and avoid bending down – this protects those newly placed grafts. For pain, you can take Ibuprofen or co-codamol, and make sure to sleep with your head elevated using a neck pillow for the first 5 days to avoid any pressure on the transplant area.

Post-Op Day 1: Removal of Dressing

On the morning after your transplant, carefully remove your bandage. If you notice any bleeding, gently apply pressure with a swab until it stops. Start taking your antibiotics (Flucloxacillin or Erythromycin if you’re allergic to penicillin) and keep the transplant area moist by spraying it with saline every 2-3 hours for the next four days. This helps the healing process without disturbing the grafts.

Post-Op Days 2-5: The Crucial Healing Period

Around this time, you’ll want to begin washing your hair carefully. Use baby shampoo with lukewarm water from a jug, washing as gently as you would for a baby. Let your hair dry naturally – don’t rub – towel dry or use a hairdryer on the transplant area. Most patients can return to light activities by Day 5, but remember to avoid scratching any scabs or crusts that form. Scabs will begin to fall off naturally around Day 7.

Post-Op Days 7-14: Scabs Fall Off & Back to Normal

From Day 7, the scabs should start to fall off naturally. If they’re itching, spray some Argan or coconut oil on the area to soften them. By now, you can wash your hair every other day (Days 7, 9, 11 and 13) using the same baby shampoo method.

Don’t wear hats or headwear until after Day 14 to prevent disturbing the grafts. During this time, it’s all about letting your scalp heal properly and being gentle with your new hair.

Full Recovery Timeline

While the first 7 to 14 days cover most of the initial recovery, it takes a few months for your hair to really start growing back. By 3-6 months, you’ll see new hair growing in the transplant area, and by 12 months, you should see the full, natural results. Your surgeon may suggest using advanced hair growth products like Regenifi to help speed up the results. Patience is key, but we promise it’ll be worth the wait!

6 Tips for Speeding Up Recovery

Hair transplant recovery varies from person to person, but there are some actions to take that will help everyone have a straightforward healing process post-operation

  1. Follow Post-Op Instructions

Taking heed of your surgeon’s guidance is essential for a smooth recovery. Be sure to follow their instructions on how to wash your hair, care for the transplant area and take any prescribed medications (like antibiotics or pain relief) to prevent infections and protect your new grafts.

  1. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and drinking can slow down the healing process and reduce the success of your transplant. Both affect blood circulation, which is vital for healing, so avoiding them for at least a couple of weeks after your procedure is best. Doing this can improve the healing outcome by 19%

  1. Be Gentle with Your Scalp

Your scalp will be super sensitive, so don’t pick or scratch. The more careful you are in the early stages, the better your results will be.

  1. Use Recommended Products

Stick to gentle, non-fragranced shampoo free from harsh chemicals and any other products your surgeon recommends. You can also pat in natural oils starting from Day 7 to soften scabs and reduce the urge to scratch.

  1. Patience Is Key

Hair grows slowly after a transplant, so it’s essential to stay patient. You might not see much new growth until around 3 to 6 months and full results can take up to 12 months. Trust the process and give your body time to heal.

  1. Check-in with Your Surgeon

Regular follow-ups are a great way to ensure everything is healing properly. If you’re ever unsure about your recovery or experience any unexpected symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact your clinic for advice.

Recover with Confidence

Initial healing from a hair transplant usually takes about two weeks, but it’s important to remember that seeing the full results will take a few months. Each step of the process plays a big role in how well your transplant turns out, so take your time, be gentle with yourself and trust that the results will come.